Order Cards:
Fragrance-Free Workplaces Wave of the Future?
These two-sided 4" x 6" cards can be purchased for the following prices, which include s&h:
20 cards $6 |
50 cards $14 |
100 cards $18 |
To order by mail, send a check to Alison Johnson, 25 Thornton Way
Brunswick, ME 04011
Can't afford to buy these cards? If you contact Alison Johnson or the Chemical Sensitivity Foundation by e-mail or snail mail, the CSF can probably send you some cards at no charge.
If you try carrying a few cards in your pocket or purse, you will be surprised to see how frequently you want to give one to someone or to a business or medical facility. Bothered by the air freshener in a restaurant bathroom? Hand the manager one of these cards. One woman who ordered 50 cards sent me this testimonial:
I so appreciate these Wave of the Future cards!
Today I shared a few with my doctor. She almost cried. Seems she, too, is suffering from fragrances and air fresheners used in their office.
A few days ago, in my favorite local donut shop, The Hole, the young lady at the counter, a student of mine from years gone by, whipped out the bottle of Windex and industriously went to clean the door and windows. My companion, also someone who is coming to terms with a sensitivity to chemicals, had to leave. It is so much easier to have the gentle, brief conversation, with a smile, and hand someone the card. The card somehow lends authenticity. The young lady seemed genuinely interested.
The cards take the place of so much conversation I'd rather not have. Thank you. I will be ordering more.
Can't remember if I shared with you or not, but I flew with Eastern Air Lines 1972-1991. I was one of many who ambled through the cabin after meal services asking individual passengers if they would like to see smoking banned on aircraft. So many laughed at us. "THAT will never happen!" Well, it did. Unfortunately, not until my last year of flying, but it happened. It gives me hope.
Pamela Cauble